Award-Winning Historic Restoration & Conservation Firm

Standing tall amongst the industry’s elite, Milan Restoration has emerged as a trusted partner in preserving architectural heritage and one of the leading architectural conservation firms in the country. With a proven track record of unwavering commitment to excellence and a legacy rooted in craftsmanship, Milan Restoration has earned a reputation for timely and efficient project completion, meticulous attention to detail, and exceptional design.

With a rich European heritage, our origins empower us with a centuries-old perspective and a profound understanding of architectural tradition, and our goal is always the same – treat every project as a new and unique masterpiece.

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Winner of the 2023 Lucy G. Moses Preservation Award

Church of Saint Mary The Virgin

New York, NY
Scope of Work:
» Stone façade restoration, including the meticulous replacement of damaged stones and removal and reconstruction of the West Tower to ensure structural integrity and aesthetic cohesion. ​

» Structural steel restoration, focusing on the preservation and strengthening of the building’s framework. ​

» Reconstruction and painting of Cross with a luxurious gold finish, enhancing the architectural prominence of the structure. ​​

» Restoration of Clergy House and Mission House brick façades, including restoration of parapet walls and creation of new cast stone sections to replace damaged elements. ​​

» Restoration of all window frames, ensuring both functionality and preservation of building’s original design. ​​

» Stained glass restoration and re-leading, preserving the beauty and historical significance of the intricate glasswork ​​

» Restoration of all doors and hardware, reviving the grandeur of the building’s entrances and ensuring their longevity.